1. The Second International Conference on Social Informatics
(SocInfo 2010)
Организатор: Международный институт прикладного системного
анализа (IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria)
Срок сдачи докладов - deadline: June 7th, 2010
Conference date: October 27-29, 2010.
Программа конференции
Социальная информатика - область информатики, которая изучает, каким образом
информационные системы могут реализовать социальные цели, применять социальные концепции,
и стать источником информации, необходимой для социальных наук и для анализа социальных
явлений (таких, как политический или маркетинговый анализ).
Международная конференция по социальной информатике призвана стать местом проведения
междисциплинарных исследователей из области информатики и социальных наук.
Целью является создание возможностей для обмена знаниями знаний между двумя сообществами,
а также взаимного критического обсуждения текущих исследований.
Конференция представляет междисциплинарные работы по использованию методов
социальных наук
при изучении информационных систем, или применению социальных концепций в разработке
информационных систем.
Каждый доклад будет рецензирован по крайней мере одним экспертом в области социальных
Основные темы конференции
Моделирование сложных социальных явлений,(включая приложения Web2.0 в т.ч.
социальные сети), представляет особый интерес
для SocInfo'2010. Улучшение существующих социальных моделей может привести к прорывам
в разработке алгоритмов, или информационных систем, которые опираются
социальные механизмы.
Поведенческая теория игр и реалистичное социальное моделирование может быть
эффективным путем разработки новых моделей социальных систем.
Webmining, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, анализ мнений и настроений
являются областями, которые пытаются использовать информацию, имеющуюся в World Wide Web
для лучшего понимания социальных явлений. Такие исследования могут извлечь пользу из
противоречий в современном уровне знаний в области социальных наук.
Применение социальных концепций в конкретных информационных системах, таких как
веб предприятия, игры, многоагентные системы, электронная коммерция
(включая управление доверием и репутацией), среды для поддержки совместной работы,
дискуссий, и иной творческой деятельности, будут представлять интерес для
Углубление знаний о рекомендательных системах, приложений для совместной работы
(в том числе коллаборативная Фильтрация), о распределенных и мультиагентных системах
для учета социальных механизмов, может быть полезным вкладом в работу Конференции.
Detailed research topics of interest for this conference include, but are not limited to:
- * - Computational models of social phenomena and social simulation
- * - Social networks: discovery, evolution, analysis and applications
- * - Web mining and its social interpretations
- * - Trust Management algorithms and protocols
- * - Design and analysis of Web2.0 applications (social or collaborative Web applications)
- * - Algorithms and protocols inspired by human societies
- * - Mechanisms for providing fairness in information systems
- * - Social choice mechanisms in the e-society
- * - Recommendation systems and social applications of the semantic Web
Conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as a book in the LNCS series. Paper format: Springer, up to 15 pages (full papers), or up to 8 pages (short papers)
Important dates
Submission deadline: June 7th, 2010
Conference location: IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
Conference date: October 27-29, 2010.
подробнее см. сайт конференции
Предисловие к опубликованному сборнику трудов конференции.
Social Computing can be broadly defined as computational facilitation of social studies and human social dynamics as well as design and use of information and communication technologies that consider social context. Social computing has recently become one of the central themes across a number of information and communication technology fields and attracted significant interest from not only researchers in computing and social sciences, but also software and online game vendors, web entrepreneurs, political analysts, digital government practitioners. The Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom2010) provides a key forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of art and practice of social computing.
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Social Computing Theories
- Social System Design and Architectures
- Social Network Analysis and Mining, Semantic web
- Social Behavior Modeling
- Social Intelligence, Social Cognition
- Social Computing Applications such as collaborative filtering, bookmaking, tagging, and multi-agent systems
- Human Machine Interactions
- Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Dynamics, Opinion Representation, Influence Process
- Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence in Social Contexts
- Trust, Privacy, Risk and Security in Social Contexts
- Social Engineering, Tools, and Case Studies
- Services Science, Quality, Architecture, Management, and Tools
The International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010) is Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter. The i-Society 2010 is a global knowledge-enriched collaborative effort that has its roots from both academia and industry. The conference covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to information society, which includes technical and non-technical research areas.
The mission of i-Society 2010 conference is to provide opportunities for collaboration of professionals and researchers to share existing and generate new knowledge in the field of information society. The conference encapsulates the concept of interdisciplinary science that studies the societal and technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. The i-Society bridges the gap between academia and industry with regards to research collaboration and awareness of current development in secure information management in the digital society.
The topics in i-Society 2010 include but are not confined to the following areas:
New enabling technologies
Internet technologies
Wireless applications
Mobile Applications
Multimedia Applications
Protocols and Standards
Ubiquitous Computing
Virtual Reality
Human Computer Interaction
Geographic information systems
- e-Manufacturing
Intelligent data management
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Organisations
Content Development
Data Mining
e-Publishing and Digital Libraries
Information Search and Retrieval
Knowledge Management
- Knowledge networks
Secure Technologies
Internet security
Web services and performance
Secure transactions
Payment systems
Secure Protocols
Cyber law
- Information assurance
- Mobile social networks
- Peer-to-peer social networks
- Sensor networks and social sensing
- Collaborative Learning
- Curriculum Content Design and Development
- Delivery Systems and Environments
- Educational Systems Design
- e-Learning Organisational Issues
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Virtual Learning Environments and Issues
- Web-based Learning Communities
- e-Learning Tools
- e-Education
- Data Security Issues
- e-Health Policy and Practice
- e-Healthcare Strategies and Provision
- Medical Research Ethics
- Patient Privacy and Confidentiality
- e-Medicine
- Legal Issues
- Patents
- Enabling technologies and tools
- Natural sciences in digital society
- Biometrics
- Bioinformatics
- Collaborative research
Industrial developments
- Trends in learning
- Applied research
- Cutting-edge technologies
- Global Trends
- Social Inclusion
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Social Infonomics
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- Social and Organisational Aspects
- Globalisation and developmental IT
- Social Software
- Democracy and the Citizen
- e-Administration
- Policy Issues
- Virtual Communities
- Digital Economies
- Knowledge economy
- eProcurement
- National and International Economies
- e-Business Ontologies and Models
- Digital Goods and Services
- e-Commerce Application Fields
- e-Commerce Economics
- e-Commerce Services
- Electronic Service Delivery
- e-Marketing
- Online Auctions and Technologies
- Virtual Organisations
- Teleworking
- Applied e-Business
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Research in progress
- Ongoing research from undergraduates, graduates/postgraduates and professionals
EEE'10 - The 2010 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- e-Learning:
- e-Learning design and methodologies
- e-Learning portals
- Instructional design methodologies
- Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
- Authoring tools
- e-Learning technologies and tools
- Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
- Content management and development
- Policy issues in e-Learning
- On-demand e-Learning
- e-Learning standards
- Assessment methodologies
- Knowledge management
- Virtual learning environments
- AI and e-Learning
- On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
- Open-source e-Learning platforms
- Training and evaluation strategies
- e-Universities
- Case studies and emerging applications
- e-Business:
- e-Business systems integration and standardization
- Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
- Internet payment systems
- e-Procurement methods
- Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
- Global e-Commerce and e-Business
- e-Business models and architectures
- Service-oriented e-Commerce
- Trust, security, and privacy in e-Commerce and e-Business
- Intelligence in e-Commerce
- Secure Databases and e-Commerce applications
- Business-oriented and consumer-oriented e-Commerce
- Development of e-Business and applications
- e-Business in developing countries
- Novel marketing strategies on the web
- Organizational and management issues
- Supply chain management
- e-Retailing and web design
- Applications of new technologies to e-Business
- Middleware technologies to support e-business
- Case studies and applications
- Enterprise Information Systems:
- Strategic decision support systems
- Organizational semiotics and semiotics in computing
- Datacenters, data warehouses and technologies
- Knowledge management
- Enterprise resource planning and e-Business
- middleware integration
- Intranet and extranet business applications
- Databases and information systems integration
- Intelligent agents
- Enterprise-wide client-server architectures
- Information systems analysis and specification
- Ontology engineering
- CASE tools for system development
- B2B and B2C applications
- Business processes re-engineering
- Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions, ...
- Semantic web technologies and Cloud computing
- Web interfaces and usability
- Human factors and e-Learning
- Case studies and applications
- e-Government:
- e-Democracy and e-Voting
- e-Government
- Use of e-Government methodologies to prevent corruption
- Legal aspects of e-Government
- Risk management
- Methods and tools for e-Government
- Policies and strategies
- Designing web services for e-Government
- Trust and security in e-Government
- Enterprise architecture for e-Government
- Interoperability frameworks in e-Government
- Inter-administration and G2G issues
- Public and private partnership
- Teaching e-Government
- Case studies